Published in Volume XV, 2005, pages 77-92

Authors: Oana Otilia PRISECARU, Toader JUCAN and Inga CAMERZAN


Workflow technology is widely used in order to offer companies a solution for managing business processes that take place inside one organization. Time management is an important component for business processes; in a workflow management system there is a delay beetween the moment an activity becomes enabled and the moment the activity is executed by a certain resource. In this paper Time Interval Workflow Nets are introduced, allowing the modelling of time delays and deadlines for the execution of activities in the workflow process. The notion of soundness for untimed workflow nets is extended for Time Interval Workflow Nets and a characterisation of this property is given for two particular classes of Time Interval Workflow Nets. It is shown that the soundness property for these classes can be reduced to the soundness property of the skeleton workflow net and can be verified by checking the boundness and liveness properties for an untimed Petri net. Therefore, in these cases, the soundness property is decidable and can be checked in the same way as for workflow nets.


  title={Time Interval Workflow Nets.},
  author={Oana Otilia PRISECARU and Toader JUCAN and Inga CAMERZAN},
  journal={Scientific Annals of Computer Science},
  organization={``A.I. Cuza'' University, Iasi, Romania},
  publisher={``A.I. Cuza'' University Press}