Shape Calculus. A Spatial Mobile Calculus for 3D Shapes, pages 1-31

Authors: E. Bartocci, F. Corradini, M.R Di Berardini, E. Merelli, and L. Tesei

Timed Operational Semantics and Well-Formedness of Shape Calculus, pages 33-52

Authors: E. Bartocci, D.R. Cacciagrano, M.R. Di Berardini, E. Merelli, and L. Tesei

An Algebra of Hierarchical Graphs and its Application to Structural Encoding, pages 53-96

Authors: R. Bruni, F. Gadducci, and A. Lluch Lafuente

Symbolic Synthesis of Mealy Machines from Arithmetic Bitstream Functions, pages 97-130

Authors: H.H. Hansen and J. Rutten

State Space Reduction for Dynamic Process Creation, pages 131-157

Authors: H. Klaudel, M. Koutny, E. Pelz, and F. Pommereau