Published in Volume XXIV, Issue 1, 2014, pages 1-46, doi: 10.7561/SACS.2014.1.1
Authors: M. Aiguier, B. Kanso
In a previous paper [1], we defined both a unified formal framework based on L.-S. Barbosa’s components for modeling complex software systems, and a generic formalization of integration rules to combine their behavior. In the present paper, we propose to continue this work by proposing a variant of first-order fixed point modal logic to express both components and systems requirements. We establish the important property for this logic to be adequate with respect to bisimulation. We then study the conditions to be imposed to our logic (characterization of sub-families of formulae) to preserve properties along integration operators, and finally show correctness by construction results. The complexity of computing systems results in the definition of formal means to manage their size. To deal with this issue, we propose an abstraction (resp. simulation) of components by components. This enables us to build systems and check their correctness in an incremental way.
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