Published in Volume XXXII, Issue 2, 2022, pages 255-283, doi: 10.7561/SACS.2022.2.255

Authors: A. Laghrib, A. Hadri , M. Hakim


The main idea of multi-frame super resolution (SR) algorithms is to recover a single high-resolution image from a sequence of low resolution ones of the same object. The success of the SR approaches is often related to a well registration and restoration steps. Therefore, we propose a new approach based on fluid image registration and we use a second order partial differential equation (PDE) to treat both the registration and restoration steps that guarantees the success of SR algorithms. Since the registration step is usually a variational ill-posed model, a mathematical study is needed to check the existence of the solution to the regularized problem. Thus, we prove the existence and uniqueness of the well posed fluid image registration and assure also the existence of the used second order PDE in the restoration step. The results show that the proposed method is competitive with the existing methods.

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  title={An Enhanced Fluid Registration for Image Multi-Frame Super Resolution},
  author={A. Laghrib , A. Hadri , M. Hakim},
  journal={Scientific Annals of Computer Science},
  organization={Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Ia\c si, Rom\^ania},
  publisher={Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Press, Ia\c si},