Olivia Oanea

Petri net theory plays a very important role in modeling and analysing parallel and distributed systems. It provides a simple mathematical structure, and basic propertiescan be cleanly analysed.

The aim of this paper is to give an overviewon the basic decision problems in the theory of Petri nets. We discuss both decidability and complexity aspects.

We have also a contribution in the area of home markings. We prove that the home marking problem for inhibitor Petri nets is undecidable.

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    author = 	{Olivia Oanea},
    title = 	{Decidability and Complexity of Petri Net Problems},
    institution = {University ``A.I.Cuza'' of Iac{s}i, Faculty of Computer Science},
    year = 	{2002},
    number = 	{TR 02-04},
    url = 	{https://publications.info.uaic.ro/technical-reports/archive/tr02-04-2002-decidability-and-complexity-of-petri-net-problems/}