D. Lucanu, Y. F. Li, J. S. Dong
The correctness of Web ontologies and data is an important aspect in the development of reliable Semantic Web systems. Software specification and verification tools can be used to complement the Knowledge Representation tools in reasoning about Semantic Web. The key for applying software verification tools to Semantic Web is to develop the sound transformation techniques from Web ontology to software specification models so that the associated verification tools can be applied to check the transformed specification models.
Our previous work has demonstrated a practical approach to translating Web ontologies to Z specification models. However, from a sound engineering point of view, the translation is lacking the theoretical work that can formally relate the respective underlying logical systems in semantic web and Z.
In this paper, we show that the logics underlying OWL, SWRL, and SWRL FOL can be represented as institutions, we investigate the properties of these institutions, and we show that the institution comorphism provides a formal semantic foundation for encoding web ontologies specifications in Z.
@TechReport{wovazf, author = "D. Lucanu and Y. F. Li and J. S. Dong", title = "{W}eb {O}ntology {V}erification and {A}nalysis in the {Z} {F}ramework", institution = "``Al.I.Cuza'' University of Ia{c s}i, Faculty of Computer Science", year = "2005", number = "TR 05-01", url = "https://publications.info.uaic.ro/technical-reports/archive/tr05-01-2005-web-ontology-verification-and-analysis-in-the-z-framework/" }